In the Summer of 2010 I shall be going to Uganda as a research volunteer on the Semliki Chimpanzee Project. I will spend ten weeks following and studying the chimpanzees of Semliki Wildlife Reserve, learning the ropes as a fledgling chimpanzee chaser. This blog will chart the memorable animals, people and events that I encounter along the way and my experiences with the stars of the trip, the Semliki chimpanzees.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Animal of the week - week 2

Crested Guineafowl (Guttera pucherani)

There are two types of guineafowl in Semliki, the helmeted and the crested. Whilst the helmeted species is a savanna-dweller, the crested guineafowl, including the western variety (verrauxi) found in Uganda, is commonly found in forests.

Indeed I do often see the crested guineafowl as we walk through the forest, generally in small groups calling nasally as they run through the undergrowth.

Their striking feathers can also be seen scattered across the forest floor; the iridescent blue stripes and spots standing out on the muddy trail.

I also decided to use the crested guineafowl as my first model when trying out the sketching and painting set that my mum gave me to bring out here, although I found it impossible to capture the vivid blue of the birds with my limited palette (and limited artistic skill!)

Whilst the guineafowl aren’t the most exciting of the animals you can find here in Semliki, I much prefer seeing them on a near daily basis than I do the pigeons at home. I like how they manage to be both beautiful and ugly simultaneously and enjoy seeing these odd-looking birds on our forest visits. The crested guineafowl is therefore my second 'animal of the week'.

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